Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What's Happening at ECV

The Church as Hospital
Last week, Matt spoke on the Church as school. He challenged us to be a learning community of students ready to admit our wrongs and ready to be imitated by others. This readiness to be imitated is a way to live into genuine community. But what if there are things in our lives we would not want anyone to imitate? This is an invitation to healing — identifying something as broken and seeking to make it whole. This Sunday, Josh will talk about how the church functions as a hospital - a place for people to admit they are sick and to get well.
Food Pantry Donations

This November, ECV will be collecting food for our local food banks. There is an increased need for food at many different food bank locations and ECV wants to help out. This Sunday, you can bring your food donations to church and we will deliver them to Christian Community Action, a nonprofit working with families in need in the Newhallville area and beyond. Email Laura with questions.
ECV Directory
Fill out the Survey

ECV is creating a directory! This is not a form of membership, rather a way for ECVers to form better connections within our community and see all the awesome people that God is calling together in this unique way. If you would like to be apart of the directory, fill out this survey. Along with filling out this form, please grab a photo of yourself and email it to laura@elmcityvineyard.org. Please include in the subject line: ECV Directory, and your first and last name. We will gather all the information and make it available to you on our new website (coming soon!).
Night of Music
12/6 8pm @ FSUMC

On December 6th ECV is hosting a Concert! Julian Reid and his band "Neighbors" will be preforming at FSUMC. This will be a night of amazing music so save the date and start Inviting your friends. All of this will happen in the sanctuary on Sunday night after church. Go out, get some grub and come back in time for an incredible show. You will not want to miss this.

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