Sunday, November 15, 2015

What's Happening at ECV

The Work of the Church
Last week, Josh kicked off a new series on “The Work of the Church.” As the Church we are called by God to play many important roles in the world and in one another’s lives. Josh’s talk this past week focused on a challenging role: the Church as an army used by God to push back the forces (both external and internal) that threaten God’s good creation. This week, Matt invites us to think about the ways that the Church does the work of a school, forming disciples (literally, “students”) for the sake of God’s work in the world.
Working Through Lament
11/14 4pm @ FSUMC

ECV is hosting a follow up event to the Veritas Forum called "Working Through Lament". It's happening this Saturday, November 14th, 4pm at FSUMC. This event will be focused on helping people get to the heart of matters of racism and injustice by processing the feelings and experiences we have, are afraid to have, or don't even know how to have. All are welcome to both events, so don't hesitate to invite your friends.
Kids Night In Parents Night Out
11/19 5:30-8:00pm

Kids Night in, Parents Night out is happening again! Parents and caregivers, Drop your Kids off at First and Summerfield UMC any time between 5:30 and 8:00pm and enjoy a night out. We will provide healthy snacks and games for the kids,  RSVP to
by the 15th.
If you know any families that would be blessed by this event, feel free to invite them. email Asha with any questions.
Food Pantry Donations

This November, ECV will be collecting food for our local food banks. There is an increased need for food at many different food bank locations and ECV wants to help out. Over the next two weeks, you can bring your food donations to church and we will deliver them to Christian Community Action, a nonprofit working with families in need in the Newhallville area and beyond. Email Laura with questions.

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