Friday, October 30, 2015

What's Happening at ECV

Jesus as King
How do we relate to authority? Whether we interact with our boss, our family, or even our elected officials, we are surrounded by people who have authority over us. How are they doing with it? In scripture, Jesus was known as a person with authority and, ultimately, he was called a King. This Sunday, Josh will conclude our series and share how Jesus as King uses his authority in counter-cultural ways. How are we called to receive his authority and even emulate it ourselves?
ECV Directory
Fill out the survey.

ECV is creating a directory! This is not a form of membership, rather a way for ECVers to form better connections within our community and see all the awesome people that God is calling together in this unique way. If you would like to be apart of the directory, fill out this survey. Along with filling out this form, please grab a photo of yourself and email it to Please include in the subject line: ECV Directory, and your first and last name. We will gather all the information and make it available to you on our new website (coming soon!).
Worship Workshop
11/1 after the service

This Sunday, after church, the ECV worship ministry will be hosting a training on how to engage with musical worship.  Singing is such a significant part of our Sunday services, and musical worship can be a unique space to engage with God using our whole selves - our minds, voices, and bodies.  Whether or not you're on an ECV worship team, you are invited to come learn more about how and why we worship. We will gather in the Sanctuary after the service this Sunday.
Veritas Forum
11/5 7:30-9:00p

Veritas Forums are events that engage students and faculty in discussions about life's hardest questions. This years discussion will focus on racial tensions, how they have existed in the USA for centuries, and how structural racism continues to be a reality impacting all sorts of aspects of our culture. How did this happen? What sustains it? In what ways have religion, especially Christianity, and law contributed to the problem? How might they also be part of the process of promoting justice? The event is being held in Levinson Auditorium, 127 Wall Street in New Haven. All are welcome to attend, visit the website to reserve your free ticket. 

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