Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More and More People Following Jesus

This week, as we're praying, let's lift up two really central dreams in one: "More and More People Following Jesus More and More Deeply."

First, "More and More People Following Jesus." I've really been encouraged recently that God's love is good news for us and for the people around us; it's something that transforms us in tangible ways; it's something people are seeking.

Let's pray that we would see:

1) A culture of invitation established at ECV—both on Sundays and in our lives in general.

2) God's work in the lives of the people around us. Primarily, we just want to see the people in our lives experiencing God's best and God's blessing. Pray that as we invite people to risk in faith, that God would move and act in tangible ways in their lives.

3) Students at Yale (and hopefully other nearby college campuses) transformed through spiritual conversations, student ministries (like ECV partners with InterVarsity), and informal prayer groups that focus on sharing God's love and experiencing His presence among already existing communities such as sports teams, dormitories, or classes (like those ECV intern Josh Williams is helping facilitate). Please pray for God's power and His grace to reach these students and for these students to become a positive force in their campuses, this city, and this world through lives of following Jesus.

4) At least one new group established this year specifically for helping folks consider what it might look like to follow Jesus.

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