Thursday, March 19, 2009

Seeing the Power of God at Work

In line with Tamara's teaching from Sunday, as you're praying in this Lenten season, I'd encourage you to pray for ECV's core dream of seeing the power of God at work more and more.

I know everything I'm posting here is an ECV "core dream," but this one really, truly is at the core of what we want to be about as a church. Our hope for the world and for our church is founded on our expectation that God does and will continue to act in our world. This is something unique to us as a community of faith (this is not an expectation shared by our secular environment) and so a lot of our hopes and dreams in this area is a matter of raising expectations, making ourselves available to be used by God, making ourselves available to God to be transformed by His power.

Specifically, let's pray that:

1) We would regularly see the power of God at work in our Sunday gatherings, homegroups, our lives in general—that we would see people healed, that we would hear from God (in words, pictures, etc.), that we would see prayers answered and lives transformed.

2) Our church would become a place where we are coming to identify the various Spiritual gifts that God has given us personally and corporately.

3) ECV would be a place in which people deal honestly with their brokenness and experience God's healing power.

4) We would become known as a place where holistic healing is sought—and found—where medical, psychological, and spiritual approaches to healing are integrated. (Big, hairy-scary dream: A team of prayer ministers to whom doctors could refer patients—whoa...)

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