Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Consider Committing… Part II

We passed out some commitment cards Sunday as a tool to help us tie-up the season of discernment that has been the "consider committing" part of our Lenten experience. We'll have an opportunity to bring them together in our gathering next Sunday (3/28). The idea is simply to acknowledge and celebrate together the things God's leading us to do in following Jesus and building God's church.

As I said Sunday, the cards are just a tool, something of an invitation to conversation, an offer of help, a call to invest. They're about helping us make commitments to further invest in prayer or in reading scripture, to get baptized, to adopt the ECV community covenant—or, of course whatever else it is we've sensed God leading us to commit to do. Wherever you're at, the invitation is here to take a step closer towards Jesus and, if it's where God is leading you, into the network of relationships that is ECV.

As always, if you're looking for an opportunity to talk more about this, seeing what folks in your homegroup have to say would be a great place to start. (Of course, feel free to email me too.)

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