Friday, March 2, 2012

Lent at ECV 2012

In New Haven, and at ECV in particular, we’re big idea, big dream kinds of people. And yet, at ECV we believe that God cares more about who we’re becoming than what we’re doing. At the end of the day, everything turns on one question: who are we becoming? And so our question for Lent is this: 

Who will you be when you get where you’re going?

To dig into this question, we invite you to join us by doing three things: pray, read, be formed.

Pray in three directions:
1. For something it would take God to do in your life
2. For six people you'd like to experience more of God's best
3. For peace on the streets of our city

We'll be distributing daily Bible guides to help us through the life of David. The Bible guide will help you find your way through the text even if you haven't read the Bible much before. You can get the guides at our weekly Sunday gatherings, or you can go to ECV Bible Guide to download weekly pdfs, subscribe for daily emails, RSS, etc.

Be Formed
Each Sunday we'll be teaching through a series on being formed by love. Each week as we examine a particular aspect of our identities as humans, there will be invitations to consider ourselves loved by God in ways that will also have a bearing on how we love others well.

That's the invitation: pray, read, be formed by God's love. Join us.

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