Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ECV Helps!

At ECV, we are committed to helping each other out in our church community. In fact, Hannah taught about this topic this past Sunday.

Of course, as our church grows, the needs within our community grow, and in response, we’ve created the ECV Helps team that has come together to discuss and pray about how we can better meet one another's material needs in our community.

If you have a material or financial need, OR if you meet somebody at the Sunday Gatherings who has such a need, there are a couple ways we want to help:

1. During Sunday Gatherings, we have a team of people who will pray with folks and see how we can help out with those immediate needs. Someone from that team will be at the Connection Table at the back of the Sanctuary, so you can connect there.

2. We created an email address: helps@elmcityvineyard.org as a more confidential place where you can post specific financial or material needs that you may have.

Then, monthly, we'll send an email "wishlist" to the church community with the various needs in our church and we can help one another out with those specific requests.

For example, if you needed a suit for a job interview and you can’t afford one, you can email the address above and when we send out the monthly email, perhaps someone else might lend you or give you a suit. Or, if you happen to be short of cash to pay a bill, perhaps a number of people could give you what they have and it will add up to what you need.

We hope that this way, we can not only keep tabs on how God's moving in our community, but also don't feel 'singled out' if we decide to make a request.

So, if you have a specific financial or material need, shoot us an email.

If you don’t have an email account, talk to someone from the ECV Helps team they'll post those requests for you.

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